Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mamatography - Weeks 17, 18 & 19

I have failed miserably in my Mamatography challenge over the past 3 weeks so this is a bit of a catch-up post...not every day is captured but here are some of the best bits!

Day 111 - 21 April
Making the most of the infrequent sunshine, we spent most of the day in the garden.  DS is learning about mini beasts in school so I took the opportunity to show him a few critters.  Well, I say "I" but what I really mean is I spotted them and then instructed daddy to do the honours.  Here is DS meeting a millipede. 

Day 112 - 22 April
Again spent in the garden, but this time we planted our herbs and veg!

Day 113 - 23 April
Impromptu tea party in the garden after school / nursery.

Day 114 - 24 April
A fantastic end to the evening...get home from a trip to the cinema to find the babysitter has done all my ironing!

Day 117 - 27 April
A walk in the woods on a Sunday afternoon.

Day 118 - 28 April
My dad loves playing tricks on people...I should be used to it by now!  When we went over to help unpack after his recent house move, he had hidden some fake body parts around the place for the kids to discover - much to their amazement *AND* enjoyment...  You know the kind of thing...a hand down the sofa, a leg in a cupboard...this is normal, right?!

Day 120 - 30 April
The best hot chocolate you will ever taste.  Fact.  

Day 123 - 3 May
The beech tree in our garden is now in full bloom.

Day 124 - 4 May
Such a gorgeous sunset over our house...

Day 125 - 5 May
The best part about making cakes - licking out the bowl!

Day 126 - 6 May
Enjoying the petrol pump I made for them.

This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project hosted by Momma Jorje and Diary Of A First Child.  We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year.  Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

Without further ado, here are the Mama/Papatography2013 participants!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Looks like an amazing week! Remind me not to visit your dad. ;) Yay for sunshine and gardening (and licking yummy bowls!).